1, 2, 3, Sommer!

1, 2, 3, Sommer!

Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V.


Jonas Meyer

Steven Lüdtke

Maximilian König

Im Auftrag der Designagentur ediundsepp und in Kooperation mit der Markenberatung Kleinundpläcking durften wir im Juni 2020 eine unterhaltsame Social-Media-Kampagne für den Bayerischen Bauindustrieverband e.V. entwickeln und realisieren. Unser gemeinsames Ziel: die Bekanntheit der Marke Bayerische Bauindustrie bei jungen Zielgruppen steigern und die inhaltliche Rampe für eine spätere Ausbildungskampagne bauen.

In Zeiten, in denen Freibäder, Kinos und andere öffentliche Orte aus Pandemiegründen unzugänglich waren und Bayern gleichzeitig einen der heißesten Sommer überhaupt erlebte, lieferte unsere Kampagne originelle Ideen zur Gestaltung dieser so besonderen Sommerferien.

Angetrieben von der Losung „1, 2, 3, Sommer“ produzierten wir Anfang Juli an zwei Standorten in Bayern und Brandenburg drei kurze Do-it-yourself-Videos. In deren Mittelpunkt steht eine Gruppe junger Auszubildender, die in ihrer Freizeit mit Hilfe ihrer Fähigkeiten aus der Bayerischen Bauindustrie drei Gewerke fertigen, mit denen sie ihren Freunden und sich selbst den Sommer versüßen: Im Handumdrehen entstehen kleine Pools aus Holzpaletten, Holzsessel für ein improvisiertes Freiluftkino sowie ein massiver Grill für den Garten.

1, 2, 3, Sommer!

Bayer. Bauindustrieverband e.V.


Jonas Meyer

Steven Lüdtke

Maximilian König

Im Auftrag der Designagentur ediundsepp und in Kooperation mit der Markenberatung Kleinundpläcking durften wir im Juni 2020 eine unterhaltsame Social-Media-Kampagne für den Bayerischen Bauindustrieverband e.V. entwickeln und realisieren. Unser gemeinsames Ziel: die Bekanntheit der Marke Bayerische Bauindustrie bei jungen Zielgruppen steigern und die inhaltliche Rampe für eine spätere Ausbildungskampagne bauen.

In Zeiten, in denen Freibäder, Kinos und andere öffentliche Orte aus Pandemiegründen unzugänglich waren und Bayern gleichzeitig einen der heißesten Sommer überhaupt erlebte, lieferte unsere Kampagne originelle Ideen zur Gestaltung dieser so besonderen Sommerferien.

Angetrieben von der Losung „1, 2, 3, Sommer“ produzierten wir Anfang Juli an zwei Standorten in Bayern und Brandenburg drei kurze Do-it-yourself-Videos. In deren Mittelpunkt steht eine Gruppe junger Auszubildender, die in ihrer Freizeit mit Hilfe ihrer Fähigkeiten aus der Bayerischen Bauindustrie drei Gewerke fertigen, mit denen sie ihren Freunden und sich selbst den Sommer versüßen: Im Handumdrehen entstehen kleine Pools aus Holzpaletten, Holzsessel für ein improvisiertes Freiluftkino sowie ein massiver Grill für den Garten.

Kern unseres Konzepts war es, die drei Geschichten so zu filmen, dass wir sie in der Postproduktion problemlos auf die Formate 16:9, 4:5 und 9:16 bringen konnten – gemäß den individuellen Anforderungen der Plattformen YouTube, Facebook und Instagram. Mit einer Länge von 15 Sekunden war jedes der Videos nicht nur schnell auf dem Smartphone zu konsumieren, sondern passte auch perfekt in das Format der Insta-Story.

Skript und Regie: Fred Funk , Kamera und Schnitt: Steven Lüdtke .

Kern unseres Konzepts war es, die drei Geschichten so zu filmen, dass wir sie in der Postproduktion problemlos auf die Formate 16:9, 4:5 und 9:16 bringen konnten – gemäß den individuellen Anforderungen der Plattformen YouTube, Facebook und Instagram. Mit einer Länge von 15 Sekunden war jedes der Videos nicht nur schnell auf dem Smartphone zu konsumieren, sondern passte auch perfekt in das Format der Insta-Story.

Skript und Regie: Fred Funk , Kamera und Schnitt: Steven Lüdtke .

Neben der Filmproduktion entstanden außerdem sechs hochwertige Kampagnen-Keyvisuals sowie umfangreiches Bildmaterial, das einen amüsanten Blick hinter die Kulissen ermöglichte.

Fotografie & Bildbearbeitung: Maximilian König.

Neben der Filmproduktion entstanden außerdem sechs hochwertige Kampagnen-Keyvisuals sowie umfangreiches Bildmaterial, das einen amüsanten Blick hinter die Kulissen ermöglichte.

Fotografie & Bildbearbeitung: Maximilian König.

Im Anschluss an die Foto- und Videoproduktion entwickelten wir eine visuelle Kampagnenidentität, schrieben einen vierwöchigen Rollout-Plan und erstellten die Texte für jeden einzelnen Social-Media-Post. Darüber hinaus übernahmen wir die Supervision der Paid-Media-Kampagnenausspielung auf Facebook, Instagram und YouTube, für die die Agentur Jubel Media verantwortlich zeichnete.

Gestaltungskonzept, Textentwicklung, Kampagnenplan und Performance-Supervision: Jonas Meyer.

Im Anschluss an die Foto- und Videoproduktion entwickelten wir eine visuelle Kampagnenidentität, schrieben einen vierwöchigen Rollout-Plan und erstellten die Texte für jeden einzelnen Social-Media-Post. Darüber hinaus übernahmen wir die Supervision der Paid-Media-Kampagnenausspielung auf Facebook, Instagram und YouTube, für die die Agentur Jubel Media verantwortlich zeichnete.

Gestaltungskonzept, Textentwicklung, Kampagnenplan und Performance-Supervision: Jonas Meyer.

Nach vier Wochen wurden wir spontan gebeten, die sehr erfolgreiche Ausspielung der Kampagne „1, 2, 3, Sommer“ zu verlängern. Kurzerhand erstellten wir einfache DIY-Anleitungen zu den drei Gewerken, die wir zuvor in unseren Filmen gezeigt hatten, und veröffentlichten diese als userfreundliche Illustrationen auf Facebook und Instagram.

Illustration: Agentur ediundsepp.

Nach vier Wochen wurden wir spontan gebeten, die sehr erfolgreiche Ausspielung der Kampagne „1, 2, 3, Sommer“ zu verlängern. Kurzerhand erstellten wir einfache DIY-Anleitungen zu den drei Gewerken, die wir zuvor in unseren Filmen gezeigt hatten, und veröffentlichten diese als userfreundliche Illustrationen auf Facebook und Instagram.

Illustration: Agentur ediundsepp.

Zu guter Letzt starteten wir Ende September ein Instagram-Gewinnspiel, bei dem es drei sogenannte Bauindustrie-Starterkits zu gewinnen gab: attraktive Holzboxen voller hochwertiger Werkzeuge und anderen Dingen, die bei unseren jungen bayerischen Zielgruppen gerade hoch im Kurs stehen.

Fotografie: Steven Lüdtke, Box-Gestaltung: Marie Parakenings.

Zu guter Letzt starteten wir Ende September ein Instagram-Gewinnspiel, bei dem es drei sogenannte Bauindustrie-Starterkits zu gewinnen gab: attraktive Holzboxen voller hochwertiger Werkzeuge und anderen Dingen, die bei unseren jungen bayerischen Zielgruppen gerade hoch im Kurs stehen.

Fotografie: Steven Lüdtke, Box-Gestaltung: Marie Parakenings.


Kreativdirektion und Produktion: Jonas Meyer

Regie: Fred Funk
Kamera: Steven Lüdtke
Zweite Kamera: Ronald Zöllner
Produktionsassistenz: Felix M. Weber

Musik: Elmar Weyland
Setdesign: David Lichtenauer & Lars Noll
Haare & Makeup: Luiza Galvão Simor

Schnitt: Steven Lüdtke
Grading: Georg Meyer
Animation & Grafik: Benn Zorn
Fotografie: Maximilian König

Produktion: ediundsepp

Zielgruppenentwicklung: Kleinundpläcking

Gestaltung Starterkit: Marie Parakenings

Illustration Bauanleitungen: ediundsepp


Kreativdirektion und Produktion: Jonas Meyer

Regie: Fred Funk
Kamera: Steven Lüdtke
Zweite Kamera: Ronald Zöllner
Produktionsassistenz: Felix M. Weber

Musik: Elmar Weyland
Setdesign: David Lichtenauer & Lars Noll
Haare & Makeup: Luiza Galvão Simor

Schnitt: Steven Lüdtke
Grading: Georg Meyer
Animation & Grafik: Benn Zorn
Fotografie: Maximilian König

Produktion: ediundsepp

Zielgruppenentwicklung: Kleinundpläcking

Gestaltung Starterkit: Marie Parakenings

Illustration Bauanleitungen: ediundsepp

1, 2, 3, Sommer!

1, 2, 3, Sommer!

Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V.

Lead agency:

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Steven Lüdtke

Maximilian König

On behalf of Munich-based design agency ediundsepp and Berlin-based brand consultancy Kleinundpläcking, we created an entertaining social media campaign in June 2020 for their client, Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V. (Bavarian Construction Industry Association).

The aim of the campaign was to increase brand awareness among young target groups by inspiring them to novel ideas for their school vacations—in times when open-air baths, cinemas, and other public spaces are all closed, not to mention one of the hottest summers ever.

Driven by the campaign’s claim, “1, 2, 3, Sommer,” we produced three light-hearted DIY-themed videos in Bavaria and Brandenburg, showing a group of construction industry apprentices building their own pool, some wooden chairs for an outdoor cinema, and a massive barbecue grill for use at home.

1, 2, 3, Sommer!

Bayer. Bauindustrieverband e.V.

Lead agency:

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Steven Lüdtke

Maximilian König

On behalf of Munich-based design agency ediundsepp and Berlin-based brand consultancy Kleinundpläcking, we created an entertaining social media campaign in June 2020 for their client, Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V. (Bavarian Construction Industry Association).

The aim of the campaign was to increase brand awareness among young target groups by inspiring them to novel ideas for their school vacations—in times when open-air baths, cinemas, and other public spaces are all closed, not to mention one of the hottest summers ever.

Driven by the campaign’s claim, “1, 2, 3, Sommer,” we produced three light-hearted DIY-themed videos in Bavaria and Brandenburg, showing a group of construction industry apprentices building their own pool, some wooden chairs for an outdoor cinema, and a massive barbecue grill for use at home.

Part of the production concept was to film the three stories in such a way that, we could easily cut them in the post-production phase to 16:9, 4:5, and 9:16 formats according to the requirements of YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. With a length of 15 seconds, each video was quick to watch and fit perfectly into a single Instagram story.

Script and direction by Fred Funk, camera and editing by Steven Lüdtke.

Part of the production concept was to film the three stories in such a way that, we could easily cut them in the post-production phase to 16:9, 4:5, and 9:16 formats according to the requirements of YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. With a length of 15 seconds, each video was quick to watch and fit perfectly into a single Instagram story.

Script and direction by Fred Funk, camera and editing by Steven Lüdtke.

In addition to the film production, we shot six high-quality key visual photos and a number of amusing behind-the-scenes pictures.

Photography by Maximilian König.

In addition to the film production, we shot six high-quality key visual photos and a number of amusing behind-the-scenes pictures.

Photography by Maximilian König.

Equipped with a basket full of content, we created a visual identity for the campaign, made a four-week communication plan, wrote the texts for every single post, and supervised the campaign’s paid media performance on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, managed by Jubel Media agency.

Concept, text, and supervision by Jonas Meyer.

Equipped with a basket full of content, we created a visual identity for the campaign, made a four-week communication plan, wrote the texts for every single post, and supervised the campaign’s paid media performance on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, managed by Jubel Media agency.

Concept, text, and supervision by Jonas Meyer.

After four weeks, we were spontaneously asked to extend the very successful “1, 2, 3, Summer” campaign. Without further ado, we created and published easy-to-use DIY instructions for the presented pool, cinema, and grill.

Illustration by ediundsepp agency.

After four weeks, we were spontaneously asked to extend the very successful “1, 2, 3, Summer” campaign. Without further ado, we created and published easy-to-use DIY instructions for the presented pool, cinema, and grill.

Illustration by ediundsepp agency.

After that, we set up an Instagram lottery giving away three so-called “Bauindustrie Starterkits”—nice boxes full of tools, food, and other cool items highly appreciated by our young Bavarian target groups.

Photography by Steven Lüdtke, box design by Marie Parakenings.

After that, we set up an Instagram lottery giving away three so-called “Bauindustrie Starterkits”—nice boxes full of tools, food, and other cool items highly appreciated by our young Bavarian target groups.

Photography by Steven Lüdtke, box design by Marie Parakenings.

Full credits:

Creative director and producer: Jonas Meyer

Director: Fred Funk
D.O.P.: Steven Lüdtke
2nd camera: Ronald Zöllner
1st AC: Felix M. Weber

Music: Elmar Weyland
Set design: David Lichtenauer & Lars Noll
Hair & makeup: Luiza Galvão Simor

Editing: Steven Lüdtke
Grading: Georg Meyer
Animation & graphics: Benn Zorn
Photography: Maximilian König

Production: ediundsepp

Target customer profiling: Kleinundpläcking

Box design: Marie Parakenings

Instruction guidelines: ediundsepp

Full credits:

Creative director and producer: Jonas Meyer

Director: Fred Funk
D.O.P.: Steven Lüdtke
2nd camera: Ronald Zöllner
1st AC: Felix M. Weber

Music: Elmar Weyland
Set design: David Lichtenauer & Lars Noll
Hair & makeup: Luiza Galvão Simor

Editing: Steven Lüdtke
Grading: Georg Meyer
Animation & graphics: Benn Zorn
Photography: Maximilian König

Production: ediundsepp

Target customer profiling: Kleinundpläcking

Box design: Marie Parakenings

Instruction guidelines: ediundsepp

Mura Masa

Mura Masa

MYP Magazine

Text & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed British producer and musician Mura Masa a.k.a. Alex Crossan.

The 23-year-old won a Grammy, was shortlisted for an Ivor Novello, appeared on Forbes’ 30 Under 30, and sold more than half a million units of his debut album. If none of these accomplishments ring a bell, then at the very least you know who we’re talking about once you hear the remarkable song “Lovesick” feat. A$AP Rocky.

On a cozy Sunday afternoon, we met Alex for an interview and photoshoot in the almost deserted Berlin headquarters of Universal Music Germany.

Mura Masa

MYP Magazine

Text & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed British producer and musician Mura Masa a.k.a. Alex Crossan.

The 23-year-old won a Grammy, was shortlisted for an Ivor Novello, appeared on Forbes’ 30 Under 30, and sold more than half a million units of his debut album. If none of these accomplishments ring a bell, then at the very least you know who we’re talking about once you hear the remarkable song “Lovesick” feat. A$AP Rocky.

On a cozy Sunday afternoon, we met Alex for an interview and photoshoot in the almost deserted Berlin headquarters of Universal Music Germany.

Simplify complexity

Simplify complexity


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Art direction:
Tavy Hornbrook

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For the launch of international law firm Nordemann, we were asked to create a bold but relaxing visual identity—along with the brand’s promise to simplify complexity in the field of legal advice.

Simplify complexity


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Art direction:
Tavy Hornbrook

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For the launch of international law firm Nordemann, we were asked to create a bold but relaxing visual identity—along with the brand’s promise to simplify complexity in the field of legal advice.

Based on the brand positioning and visual identity, we also created a refreshing and contemporary website: fully responsive, easy to use and highly differentiating to the mostly grey and boring world of law firm brands.


Based on the brand positioning and visual identity, we also created a refreshing and contemporary website: fully responsive, easy to use and highly differentiating to the mostly grey and boring world of law firm brands.


Maximilian Mundt

Maximilian Mundt

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed German actor Maximilian Mundt who plays main character Moritz in Netflix’s youth series “How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”.

To escape from the summer heat, we chose a secluded lake in Brandenburg as location for our photo shoot.

Maximilian Mundt

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed German actor Maximilian Mundt who plays main character Moritz in Netflix’s youth series “How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”.

To escape from the summer heat, we chose a secluded lake in Brandenburg as location for our photo shoot.

Jannis Niewöhner

Jannis Niewöhner

MYP Magazine

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Katharina Weiß

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Jannis Niewöhner, star of Amazon Prime’s blockbuster series “Beat.”

Jannis Niewöhner

MYP Magazine

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Katharina Weiß

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke


For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Jannis Niewöhner, star of Amazon Prime’s blockbuster series “Beat.”

CIVIS mit Sonde

CIVIS mit Sonde

RCDS Germany

Brand positioning & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König


For the 60th anniversary of the political debate magazine CIVIS mit Sonde, we were commissioned with a comprehensive strategic and visual rebranding. We developed a differentiating brand positioning, created a modern editorial design inspired by some heritage graphic elements, and established an all-new brand imagery.

For more than five years now, the CIVIS mit Sonde guys have been entrusting us with the ongoing creative direction, photo production, layout, and prepress for the magazine, which is published three times a year. Also on board from the beginning: amazing illustrator Roland Brückner with his Bitteschön.tv team.

CIVIS mit Sonde

RCDS Germany

Brand positioning & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König


For the 60th anniversary of the political debate magazine CIVIS mit Sonde, we were commissioned with a comprehensive strategic and visual rebranding. We developed a differentiating brand positioning, created a modern editorial design inspired by some heritage graphic elements, and established an all-new brand imagery.

For more than five years now, the CIVIS mit Sonde guys have been entrusting us with the ongoing creative direction, photo production, layout, and prepress for the magazine, which is published three times a year. Also on board from the beginning: amazing illustrator Roland Brückner with his Bitteschön.tv team.

Jannik Schümann

Jannik Schümann

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Jannik Schümann in Berlin.

Jannik Schümann

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Jannik Schümann in Berlin.

German Exclusive Cars

Unveil The Unseen

German Exclusive Cars


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

Kleinundpläcking created for their client, German Exclusive Cars, a brand called Nolton. The brand’s promise: setting new standards in luxury interior customization of Mercedes-Benz cars. For implementing Nolton’s positioning, “Unveil The Unseen,” we produced the main photo key visuals—a customized C-Class hidden in the woods.

Unveil The Unseen

German Exclusive Cars


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography and post-production:
Maximilian König

Kleinundpläcking created for their client, German Exclusive Cars, a brand called Nolton. The brand’s promise: setting new standards in luxury interior customization of Mercedes-Benz cars. For implementing Nolton’s positioning, “Unveil The Unseen,” we produced the main photo key visuals—a customized C-Class hidden in the woods.


Grandma Comes



Concept & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For Kleinundpläcking and their client BerlinLinienbus, a European remote bus company based in Berlin, we created the idea for the company’s very first commercial and, based on that, developed the concept for an image campaign on social media.

With the help of producer Gerrit Klein, director Gabriel Borgetto, DOP Roland Stuprich and our friends from Bonaparte Films, we were able to bring the spot alive.

During Bonaparte’s commercial production in Hamburg, we photographed the campaign’s main key visuals on set.

Grandma Comes



Concept & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For Kleinundpläcking and their client BerlinLinienbus, a European remote bus company based in Berlin, we created the idea for the company’s very first commercial and, based on that, developed the concept for an image campaign on social media.

With the help of producer Gerrit Klein, director Gabriel Borgetto, DOP Roland Stuprich and our friends from Bonaparte Films, we were able to bring the spot alive.

During Bonaparte’s commercial production in Hamburg, we photographed the campaign’s main key visuals on set.

Behind-the-scenes content

Furthermore, we produced a comprehensive behind-the-scenes photo and video package for the company’s social media activities with Maximilian König as photographer and Steven Lüdtke as director of a behind-the-scenes film.

Behind-the-scenes content

Furthermore, we produced a comprehensive behind-the-scenes photo and video package for the company’s social media activities with Maximilian König as photographer and Steven Lüdtke as director of a behind-the-scenes film.

Visual campaign identity and website concept

After the commercial and photo production we created a specific campaign design and developed the concept for an interactive campaign website that was realized by diesdas.digital. On this website, BerlinLinienBus’s followers could upload their personal, campaign-related content. So the brand was able to directly communicate with its target groups.

Visual campaign identity and website concept

After the commercial and photo production we created a specific campaign design and developed the concept for an interactive campaign website that was realized by diesdas.digital. On this website, BerlinLinienBus’s followers could upload their personal, campaign-related content. So the brand was able to directly communicate with its target groups.


By the end of summer 2016, the BerlinLinienBus spot had a total of more than 2.5 million clicks on YouTube and Facebook. In August 2016, it was the #1 YouTube ad in Germany—ahead of Nike and Samsung. In the same month, BLB has doubled the turnover to 2.4 million euros, the highest monthly turnover in the company’s history. In August and September 2016, market share increased by 3% to 14%. In addition, passenger numbers tripled in August 2016 compared to August 2015.


By the end of summer 2016, the BerlinLinienBus spot had a total of more than 2.5 million clicks on YouTube and Facebook. In August 2016, it was the #1 YouTube ad in Germany—ahead of Nike and Samsung. In the same month, BLB has doubled the turnover to 2.4 million euros, the highest monthly turnover in the company’s history. In August and September 2016, market share increased by 3% to 14%. In addition, passenger numbers tripled in August 2016 compared to August 2015.