Divided country, divided heart

Divided country,
divided heart

Stern & MYP Magazine

Research & text:
Jonas Meyer & Katharina Weiß

Steven Lüdtke

For Stern and MYP Magazine, journalist Katharina Weiß and I wrote down the moving story of Martina Geng.

In the summer of 1971, the then 19-year-old GDR citizen fell in love with a West German — and subsequently repeatedly felt the harshness of the SED regime. In 1992, three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Martina Geng experienced her own personal reunification: She met the West German again, for whom she still harbored deep feelings.

Divided country, divided heart

Stern & MYP Magazine

Research & text:
Jonas Meyer & Katharina Weiß

Steven Lüdtke

For Stern and MYP Magazine, journalist Katharina Weiß and I wrote down the moving story of Martina Geng.

In the summer of 1971, the then 19-year-old GDR citizen fell in love with a West German — and subsequently repeatedly felt the harshness of the SED regime. In 1992, three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Martina Geng experienced her own personal reunification: She met the West German again, for whom she still harbored deep feelings.

The chronology of this German-German love story was published on stern.de on November 9, 2019 — on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The chronology of this German-German love story was published on stern.de on November 9, 2019 — on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Geteiltes Land, geteiltes Herz

Geteiltes Land,
geteiltes Herz

Stern & MYP Magazine

Redaktion & Text:
Jonas Meyer & Katharina Weiß

Steven Lüdtke

Für den Stern und das MYP Magazine haben Journalistin Katharina Weiß und ich die bewegende Geschichte von Martina Geng aufgeschrieben.

Im Sommer 1971 verliebte sich die damals 19-jährige DDR-Bürgerin in einen Westdeutschen – und bekam in der Folge immer wieder die Härte des SED-Regimes zu spüren. 1992, drei Jahre nach dem Mauerfall, erlebte Martina Geng ihre ganz persönliche Wiedervereinigung: Sie traf jenen Westdeutschen wieder, für den sie immer noch tiefe Gefühle hegte.

Geteiltes Land, geteiltes Herz

Stern & MYP Magazine

Redaktion & Text:
Jonas Meyer & Katharina Weiß

Steven Lüdtke

Für den Stern und das MYP Magazine haben Journalistin Katharina Weiß und ich die bewegende Geschichte von Martina Geng aufgeschrieben.

Im Sommer 1971 verliebte sich die damals 19-jährige DDR-Bürgerin in einen Westdeutschen – und bekam in der Folge immer wieder die Härte des SED-Regimes zu spüren. 1992, drei Jahre nach dem Mauerfall, erlebte Martina Geng ihre ganz persönliche Wiedervereinigung: Sie traf jenen Westdeutschen wieder, für den sie immer noch tiefe Gefühle hegte.

Die Chronologie dieser deutsch-deutschen Liebesgeschichte wurde am 9. November 2019 auf stern.de veröffentlicht – anlässlich des 30. Jahrestags des Falls der Berliner Mauer.

Die Chronologie dieser deutsch-deutschen Liebesgeschichte wurde am 9. November 2019 auf stern.de veröffentlicht – anlässlich des 30. Jahrestags des Falls der Berliner Mauer.



Galerie Deschler Berlin

Konzept & Gestaltung:
Jonas Meyer


Erschienen im

Eine Kollaboration zwichen
Sven Marquardt, Nicholas Mockridge & Esther Perbandt

Im Sommer 2021 durfte ich für die Berliner Galerie Deschler den Ausstellungskatalog für das Kunstprojekt Fleischmann konzipieren und gestalten. Fleischmann ist eine Kollaboration zwischen Regisseur Nicholas Mockridge, Modedesignerin Esther Perbandt und Fotograf Sven Marquardt. Die multidisziplinäre Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Leben und Schaffen von Film- und Theaterlegende Volker Spengler auseinander, die den narrativen Ausgangspunkt für eine Serie fotografischer Werke in drei Zyklen bildet.

Der 2020 verstorbene Spengler erspielte sich internationale Berühmtheit mit der Verkörperung der transsexuellen Elvira Weishaupt in Rainer Werner Fassbinders „In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden“ – damit wurde er zu einer frühen Ikone des* LGBTQIA+. Sein Leben war geprägt von großen künstlerischen Taten und dem Hang zu rauschhaften Extremen.


Deschler Gallery Berlin

Konzeption & Gestaltung:
Jonas Meyer


Erschienen im

Eine Kollaboration zwischen
Sven Marquardt, Nicholas Mockridge & Esther Perbandt

Im Sommer 2021 durfte ich für die Berliner Galerie Deschler den Ausstellungskatalog für das Kunstprojekt Fleischmann konzipieren und gestalten. Fleischmann ist eine Kollaboration zwischen Regisseur Nicholas Mockridge, Modedesignerin Esther Perbandt und Fotograf Sven Marquardt. Die multidisziplinäre Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Leben und Schaffen von Film- und Theaterlegende Volker Spengler auseinander, die den narrativen Ausgangspunkt für eine Serie fotografischer Werke in drei Zyklen bildet.

Der 2020 verstorbene Spengler erspielte sich internationale Berühmtheit mit der Verkörperung der transsexuellen Elvira Weishaupt in Rainer Werner Fassbinders „In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden“ – damit wurde er zu einer frühen Ikone des* LGBTQIA+. Sein Leben war geprägt von großen künstlerischen Taten und dem Hang zu rauschhaften Extremen.

Nicholas Mockridge untersuchte Spenglers Lebenswerk und konzipierte die Szenerie, Esther Perbandt entwarf 15 Kostüme für die Produktion und Sven Marquardt realisierte die Bild- und Lichtinszenierung.

Für das Ensemble wurden neben Volker Spengler die Schauspieler Alexander Scheer und Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Figuren des Berliner Nachtlebens, Nachwuchsdarsteller, Esther Perbandt selbst sowie die Mode- und Kunstikone Gräfin Vera von Lehndorff aka Veruschka gecastet.

Nicholas Mockridge untersuchte Spenglers Lebenswerk und konzipierte die Szenerie, Esther Perbandt entwarf 15 Kostüme für die Produktion und Sven Marquardt realisierte die Bild- und Lichtinszenierung.

Für das Ensemble wurden neben Volker Spengler die Schauspieler Alexander Scheer und Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Figuren des Berliner Nachtlebens, Nachwuchsdarsteller, Esther Perbandt selbst sowie die Mode- und Kunstikone Gräfin Vera von Lehndorff aka Veruschka gecastet.

Produziert wurde der 68-seitige Katalog von DruckConcept, erschienen ist er im DISTANZ Verlag, wo er an sofort bestellt werden kann.

Produziert wurde der 68-seitige Katalog von DruckConcept, erschienen ist er im DISTANZ Verlag, wo er an sofort bestellt werden kann.

Ausführliche Credits:

“FLEISCHMANN. Mockridge – Perbandt – Marquardt”

Herausgeber: Marcus Deschler
Koordination: Kathleen Sichelschmidt & Anja Mosbeck

Konzept & Gestaltung: Jonas Meyer
Texte: Max Dax

Fotografie: Sven Marquardt
Lithografie: Mathias Spohn

Produktion: DruckConcept
Verlag: DISTANZ Verlag
Vertrieb: Edel Germany

ISBN 978-3-95476-447-1
Gedruckt in Deutschland

Cast: Volker Spengler, Vera von Lehndorff, Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Esther Perbandt, Alexander Scheer, Hardy Paetke, Cikomo P., Mirijam Junker, Andreas Braun, David Kücklich, Pascal Götz, Merlin Besson

Ausführliche Credits:

“FLEISCHMANN. Mockridge – Perbandt – Marquardt”

Herausgeber: Marcus Deschler
Koordination: Kathleen Sichelschmidt & Anja Mosbeck

Konzept & Gestaltung: Jonas Meyer
Texte: Max Dax

Fotografie: Sven Marquardt
Lithografie: Mathias Spohn

Produktion: DruckConcept
Verlag: DISTANZ Verlag
Vertrieb: Edel Germany

ISBN 978-3-95476-447-1
Gedruckt in Deutschland

Cast: Volker Spengler, Vera von Lehndorff, Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Esther Perbandt, Alexander Scheer, Hardy Paetke, Cikomo P., Mirijam Junker, Andreas Braun, David Kücklich, Pascal Götz, Merlin Besson



Deschler Gallery Berlin

Concept & design:
Jonas Meyer


Publishing house:

A collaboration between
Sven Marquardt, Nicholas Mockridge & Esther Perbandt

In the middle of 2021, I was asked by the Berlin Deschler Gallery to conceive and design the “Fleischmann” exhibition catalog. “Fleischmann” is a collaboration between director Nicholas Mockridge, fashion designer Esther Perbandt, and photographer Sven Marquardt. The multidisciplinary art project deals with the life and work of film and theater legend Volker Spengler, who forms the narrative starting point for a photographic series in three cycles.

Spengler, who died in 2020, gained international fame with the personification of the transsexual Elvira Weishaupt in Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s “In a year with 13 moons” — making him an early icon of the LGBTQIA+ movement. His life was shaped by great artistic deeds and a tendency towards intoxicating extremes.


Deschler Gallery Berlin

Concept & design:
Jonas Meyer


Publishing house:

A collaboration between
Sven Marquardt, Nicholas Mockridge & Esther Perbandt

In the middle of 2021, I was asked by the Berlin Deschler Gallery to conceive and design the “Fleischmann” exhibition catalog. “Fleischmann” is a collaboration between director Nicholas Mockridge, fashion designer Esther Perbandt, and photographer Sven Marquardt. The multidisciplinary art project deals with the life and work of film and theater legend Volker Spengler, who forms the narrative starting point for a photographic series in three cycles.

Spengler, who died in 2020, gained international fame with the personification of the transsexual Elvira Weishaupt in Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s “In a year with 13 moons” — making him an early icon of the LGBTQIA+ movement. His life was shaped by great artistic deeds and a tendency towards intoxicating extremes.

Nicholas Mockridge examined Spengler’s life’s work and created the scenery, Esther Perbandt designed 15 costumes for the production and Sven Marquardt realized the image and light staging.

In addition to Volker Spengler, actors Alexander Scheer and Jasna Fritzi Bauer, characters from Berlin’s nightlife, young actors, Esther Perbandt herself and the fashion and art icon Countess Vera von Lehndorff aka Veruschka were cast for the ensemble.

Nicholas Mockridge examined Spengler’s life’s work and created the scenery, Esther Perbandt designed 15 costumes for the production and Sven Marquardt realized the image and light staging.

In addition to Volker Spengler, actors Alexander Scheer and Jasna Fritzi Bauer, characters from Berlin’s nightlife, young actors, Esther Perbandt herself and the fashion and art icon Countess Vera von Lehndorff aka Veruschka were cast for the ensemble.

The 68-page catalog was produced by DruckConcept and published by DISTANZ Verlag. It can be ordered online or directly at Deschler Gallery.

The 68-page catalog was produced by DruckConcept and published by DISTANZ Verlag. It can be ordered online or directly at Deschler Gallery.

Full credits:

“FLEISCHMANN. Mockridge – Perbandt – Marquardt”

Publisher: Marcus Deschler
Coordination: Kathleen Sichelschmidt & Anja Mosbeck

Concept & design: Jonas Meyer
Text: Max Dax

Photography: Sven Marquardt
Lithography: Mathias Spohn

Production: DruckConcept
Publishing house: DISTANZ Verlag
Distribution: Edel Germany

ISBN 978-3-95476-447-1
Printed in Germany

Cast: Volker Spengler, Vera von Lehndorff, Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Esther Perbandt, Alexander Scheer, Hardy Paetke, Cikomo P., Mirijam Junker, Andreas Braun, David Kücklich, Pascal Götz, Merlin Besson

Full credits:

“FLEISCHMANN. Mockridge – Perbandt – Marquardt”

Publisher: Marcus Deschler
Coordination: Kathleen Sichelschmidt & Anja Mosbeck

Concept & design: Jonas Meyer
Text: Max Dax

Photography: Sven Marquardt
Lithography: Mathias Spohn

Production: DruckConcept
Publishing house: DISTANZ Verlag
Distribution: Edel Germany

ISBN 978-3-95476-447-1
Printed in Germany

Cast: Volker Spengler, Vera von Lehndorff, Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Esther Perbandt, Alexander Scheer, Hardy Paetke, Cikomo P., Mirijam Junker, Andreas Braun, David Kücklich, Pascal Götz, Merlin Besson

Mura Masa

Mura Masa

MYP Magazine

Text & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed British producer and musician Mura Masa a.k.a. Alex Crossan.

The 23-year-old won a Grammy, was shortlisted for an Ivor Novello, appeared on Forbes’ 30 Under 30, and sold more than half a million units of his debut album. If none of these accomplishments ring a bell, then at the very least you know who we’re talking about once you hear the remarkable song “Lovesick” feat. A$AP Rocky.

On a cozy Sunday afternoon, we met Alex for an interview and photoshoot in the almost deserted Berlin headquarters of Universal Music Germany.

Mura Masa

MYP Magazine

Text & creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed British producer and musician Mura Masa a.k.a. Alex Crossan.

The 23-year-old won a Grammy, was shortlisted for an Ivor Novello, appeared on Forbes’ 30 Under 30, and sold more than half a million units of his debut album. If none of these accomplishments ring a bell, then at the very least you know who we’re talking about once you hear the remarkable song “Lovesick” feat. A$AP Rocky.

On a cozy Sunday afternoon, we met Alex for an interview and photoshoot in the almost deserted Berlin headquarters of Universal Music Germany.

Simplify complexity

Simplify complexity


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Art direction:
Tavy Hornbrook

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For the launch of international law firm Nordemann, we were asked to create a bold but relaxing visual identity—along with the brand’s promise to simplify complexity in the field of legal advice.

Simplify complexity


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Art direction:
Tavy Hornbrook

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For the launch of international law firm Nordemann, we were asked to create a bold but relaxing visual identity—along with the brand’s promise to simplify complexity in the field of legal advice.

Based on the brand positioning and visual identity, we also created a refreshing and contemporary website: fully responsive, easy to use and highly differentiating to the mostly grey and boring world of law firm brands.


Based on the brand positioning and visual identity, we also created a refreshing and contemporary website: fully responsive, easy to use and highly differentiating to the mostly grey and boring world of law firm brands.


Go East

Go East

Sven Marquardt

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Cut & grading:
Frederik Bösing

BTS photography & film:
AEN Studio / Artur Nowicki

In 2019, photographer Sven Marquardt and electronic music artist Prurient started a collaboration called EAST—an audio-visual installation that combines imagery with musical language, accompanied by animated videos created by Pfadfinderei Collective.

The whole concept merges Marquardt’s photo series “East Side Girls”—shot in the early eighties in East Berlin—and the East Village area in New York City where Prurient’s label Hospital Productions is situated. In this way, old-school NYC punk and hardcore are melted with what was happening in Berlin in the years before the wall fell.

Over the period of several weeks, EAST was presented in a row of clubs all over Europe. For the events in Klub Tama (Poznan), Goa Club (Rome) and Berghain (Berlin), we were asked to transform Marquardt’s analog photos into a variety of animated visuals to complement the Pfadfinderei films. Due to the fact that the interior conditions in each club were different, we set up the visuals together with the technical managers on-site and supervised the events.

Go East

Sven Marquardt

Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Cut & grading:
Frederik Bösing

BTS phtography & film:
AEN Studio / Artur Nowicki

In 2019, photographer Sven Marquardt and electronic music artist Prurient started a collaboration called EAST—an audio-visual installation that combines imagery with musical language, accompanied by animated videos created by Pfadfinderei Collective.

The whole concept merges Marquardt’s photo series “East Side Girls”—shot in the early eighties in East Berlin—and the East Village area in New York City where Prurient’s label Hospital Productions is situated. In this way, old-school NYC punk and hardcore are melted with what was happening in Berlin in the years before the wall fell.

Over the period of several weeks, EAST was presented in a row of clubs all over Europe. For the events in Klub Tama (Poznan), Goa Club (Rome) and Berghain (Berlin), we were asked to transform Marquardt’s analog photos into a variety of animated visuals to complement the Pfadfinderei films. Due to the fact that the interior conditions in each club were different, we set up the visuals together with the technical managers on-site and supervised the events.

Maximilian Mundt

Maximilian Mundt

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed German actor Maximilian Mundt who plays main character Moritz in Netflix’s youth series “How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”.

To escape from the summer heat, we chose a secluded lake in Brandenburg as location for our photo shoot.

Maximilian Mundt

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Maximilian König

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed German actor Maximilian Mundt who plays main character Moritz in Netflix’s youth series “How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”.

To escape from the summer heat, we chose a secluded lake in Brandenburg as location for our photo shoot.

Louis Hofmann

Louis Hofmann

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Louis Hofmann who plays main character Jonas Kahnwald in Netflix’s blockbuster series “Dark”.

We chose a former overhead hopper as location and spent an entire afternoon there shooting with Louis. The martial World War II bunker is situated in the Berlin Volkspark Humboldthain, a park that was created in 19th century to commemorate Alexander Humboldt and as a dedication to the beauty of nature. Today it’s a paradise for climbers and sports enthusiasts. How times can change…

Louis Hofmann

MYP Magazine

Creative direction & editing:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke

For MYP Magazine, we portrayed award-winning German actor Louis Hofmann who plays main character Jonas Kahnwald in Netflix’s blockbuster series “Dark”.

We chose a former overhead hopper as location and spent an entire afternoon there shooting with Louis. The martial World War II bunker is situated in the Berlin Volkspark Humboldthain, a park that was created in 19th century to commemorate Alexander Humboldt and as a dedication to the beauty of nature. Today it’s a paradise for climbers and sports enthusiasts. How times can change…

Modern Agriculture

Modern Agriculture

Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke

After Kleinundpläcking (a Berlin-based brand consultancy) had developed the Modern Agriculture brand (German: “Moderne Landwirtschaft”) for their client Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft e.V., we were asked to create the brand’s visual language based on a sharp and differentiating brand promise: “the knowledge of us all“ (“Unser aller Wissen“).

In the first, step we produced a series of key visual photos to interpret the brand’s core values. Our goal was not just to photograph the motives of agriculture, but also to take some pictures in the heart of a big city—to explain that modern agriculture is an essential part of people’s day-to-day life, no matter where they’re living.

Modern Agriculture

Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft


Creative direction:
Jonas Meyer

Photography & post-production:
Steven Lüdtke

After Kleinundpläcking (a Berlin-based brand consultancy) had developed the Modern Agriculture brand (German: “Moderne Landwirtschaft”) for their client Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft e.V., we were asked to create the brand’s visual language based on a sharp and differentiating brand promise: “the knowledge of us all“ (“Unser aller Wissen“).

In the first step, we produced a series of key visual photos to interpret the brand’s core values. Our goal was not just to photograph the motives of agriculture, but also to take some pictures in the heart of a big city—to explain that modern agriculture is an essential part of people’s day-to-day life, no matter where they’re living.

In the second step, we produced an image film—directed by our dear Frederik Bösing—to explain the brand promise. Originally, it was only planned to use the video for internal purposes. But then FML’s people decided to show it to the entire world—in the context of the official launch of the new brand.

In the second step, we produced an image film—directed by our dear Frederik Bösing—to explain the brand promise. Originally, it was only planned to use the video for internal purposes. But then FML’s people decided to show it to the entire world—in the context of the official launch of the new brand.

In the third step, we developed additional brand identity components such as logo, color scheme, or typography, and defined detailed corporate design guidelines.

In the third step, we developed additional brand identity components such as logo, color scheme, or typography, and defined detailed corporate design guidelines.

Together with our friends of Wenkerottke agency, we created in the fourth step a magazine-like website concept that gives the brand a digital home: contemporary, content-focused, target group-relevant, and synchronized with the social media channels.


Together with our friends of Wenkerottke agency, we created in the fourth step a magazine-like website concept that gives the brand a digital home: contemporary, content-focused, target group-relevant, and synchronized with the social media channels.


Over the last years, we’ve been ongoingly producing dozens of photo editorials and short videos telling the enormous variety of stories and personalities that define the agricultural sector in Germany.

Over the last years, we’ve been ongoingly producing dozens of photo editorials and short videos telling the enormous variety of stories and personalities that define the agricultural sector in Germany.

Visiting Horsch company, a manufacturer of blood-red agricultural machinery:

Visiting Horsch company, a manufacturer of blood-red agricultural machinery:

Exploring one of Germany’s most modern supermarkets—guided by its founder himself:

Exploring one of Germany’s most modern supermarkets—guided by its founder himself:

Meeting a plant and seeding expert at KWS SAAT AG:

Meeting a plant and seeding expert at KWS SAAT AG: